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Counting the Omer 2021


Day 1 - Firstfruits

Today is Day 1 of Week 1 of the counting of the Omer.

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ מֶֽלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, אֲשֶׁר קִדְּשָֽׁנוּ בְּמִצְוֹתָיו, וְצִוָּֽנוּ עַל סְפִירַת הָעֹֽמֶר

Baruch Atah Adonai Elohenu Melech Ha-Olam, Asher Kid’shanu B’mitzvotav, Vitzivanu Al Sefirat Ha-Omer.

Blessed are You O Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us by his commandments and commanded us about the counting of the Omer.

Today is Firstfruits so let us reflect on the wonderous price that Yeshua paid for our ransom on the cross on that Passover so long ago, His burial in the tomb on Unleavened Bread and His glorious resurrection on Firstfruits. He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!

In 1 Corinthians 15 we are promised the hope of the resurrection because He was raised from the dead. We still have hope!! Not all has been fulfilled. We still have the hope of living with Him and serving Him for eternity. We still have the hope of a resurrected glorified body like His. We still have the hope of His glorious Kingdom coming down. We still have hope!! Let us live in that hope, the hope of His eternal love!

Let us live by faith and not by sight! Our eyes may tell us all is lost and that the world is dying, but our hope tells us He who rose from the dead is coming again to make all things new. He will restore the kingdom to Israel! We will be that holy nation of priests serving Him and proclaiming His message. What a day that will be and all because of His death, burial and resurrection.

He was slain before the foundation of the world and the plan of God will always prevail. God's plan was to make a way for His creation to spend eternity with Him in His glorious and beautiful garden, His Kingdom, and that has not changed because He cannot change. He who created us and saved us is the One who will bring us into His Kingdom.

May He be eternally praised by all who love Him and call on His Name! May we stand strong in the midst of what our eyes see and cling to the hope that only He can bring! He is the Truth, the Way and the Life! He is our Hope!!!

May 31, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 50 - Shavuot & Acts 2

Jewish interpreters connect the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai with Shavuot aka Pentecost because that is roughly when the Israelites arrived after their deliverance from Egypt. The Word came on the same day that the Spirit came. This teaching also goes through Peter's sermon in Acts ch. 2 and the other, hidden Pentecost in Acts 21

May 30, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 49 - The Gospel of the Kingdom and the New Command

We think we know what the Gospel is, but it's actually much bigger than the ABC's..  There's also something about the New Command and understanding what Yeshua means.

May 28, 2020

Omer Count 2020 - Day 48 - Preparing for the King's Arrival

Sanctifying ourselves and washing our clothes

May 28, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 47 - Kingdom of Justice & Restoration

Isaiah 30+ gives more of a picture of what the Kingdom will be like.

May 27, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 46 - Preparing for the Mind of Messiah

Phillipians 2

May 26, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 45 - Preparing to be a Soldier

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

May 25, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 44 - Feasts of the LORD in the Future Kingdom

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

May 24, 2020

Omer Count 2020 43 - Sukkot / Feast of Tabernacles

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

January 01, 2020

Omer Count 2020 42 - Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement

Especially wait until we get to the discussion of the Year of Jubilee and Luke 4

May 21, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 41 - Feast of Trumpets

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

May 21, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 40 - The Ascension of Yeshua & Elijah

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

May 19, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 39 - Feasts - Firstfruits & Shavuot/Pentecost

Do you know the connection between Firstfruits and the Resurrection?  See 1 Corinthians 15:20

Do you know the connection between the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai and the giving of the Spirit in Acts 2?

May 19, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 38 - Passover & the Sacrifice of the Lamb

Passover and the other Feasts tell about the Mission and goal of Messiah.  The Seder service explains many details about the last days of Yeshua that our culture has lost.

May 18, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 37 - The Biblical Calendar & the Feasts of the LORD

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

May 18, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 36 - Hebrews 13 Yeshua Outside the Gate

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

May 17, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 35 - Hebrews 12 - Fix Your Eyes on Yeshua

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

May 14, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 34 - Hebrews 10 - Do Not Neglect the ...

There's a special word in Hebrews 10:25 that speaks to the mystery of God and the coming together of Jew & Gentile especially for those who have been kicked out of the Temple and might be tempted to resent and distance from the Jewish people. Do not neglect the Synagogue

May 13, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 33 - Kingdom Night #5 - Isaiah 27

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

May 12, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 32 - Hebrews 8-9

Our corporate salvation and the Restoration of All Things - Acts 3:21

May 11, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 31 - Hebrews 6-7+ Yeshua Our High Priest

He serves under the Abrahamic Promise as a High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. So we can draw near to God through Him. It's important to know that all these arguments are not made to try and diminish or tarnish the Levitical priesthood or the Torah in any way--but they serve and operate concurrently. The Aaronic priesthood serves under the auspices and direction of the Melchizedek priesthood--all should be in its proper order.

Thus, a Temple that does not recognize the Messiah, cannot fulfill its true purpose of bringing people near to God. Because Redemption only comes through the promises made in the Abrahamic covenant.

May 10, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 30 - Hebrews 5-6:12

Yeshua our High Priest and the temptation to renounce Him in order to return to the Temple. The writer expects better things from his readers

May 09, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 29 - Hebrews 1-4

Kicking off the book of Hebrews and getting to the end of Ch. 4.

It's important to put Hebrews in the context of the late 60's AD when the believers in Yeshua were getting kicked out of the Temple and even Jerusalem. The writer encourages his readers to hold firm and not give up on Yeshua just to get back in good standing at the Temple.

May 08, 2020

Omer Count Day 28 - Ephesians 5

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

May 07, 2020

Omer Count Day 27 - Ephesians 4-5 - Unity

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

May 06, 2020

Omer Count Day 26 - Kingdom Night Pt 4 - Isaiah 21-27

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

January 01, 2020

Omer Count Day 25 - Ephesians 2-3

The Mystery in the book of Ephesians and the Wall of Separation. What are they? Guess what--Paul tells us! He also puts to rest the debate about the inclusion of the Gentiles in ch. 2-3. But he also lays out what we have been made a part of--the Commonwealth of Israel!

May 04, 2020

Omer Count Day 24 - Colossians 2-3

Tonight's Omer count discussion Paul's perspectives in Colossians--mostly ch. 2. Issues address are what is nailed to the cross? Is it the Torah or something else? Also, are Shadows not important therefore something to be dismissed? Also, what kind of lifestyle or culture are Gentiles who believe in Messiah taking on?

May 03, 2020

Omer Count Day 23 - Romans 12 & 14 - Disputable Matters

Romans 12-the end hitting the highlights of his emphasis on fellowship and not allowing things to divide the body, to divide Jew & Gentile.

Especially in Romans 14 when everything has to be understood in terms of v. 1--and what are the disputable matters. Things clearly defined and commanded in the Torah are not disputable matters. The whole chapter must be understood with that as the backdrop. Paul was still a Jewish, Torah observant believer--and some things were not up for debate or discussion. He concludes with hammering home the point that the inclusion of the Gentiles is one of those nondebatable matters.

May 02, 2020

Omer Count Day 22 - Romans pt 5 - Romans 11

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

May 01, 2020

Omer Count Day 21 - Romans pt 4 - ch. 10-11

Romans 10-11 describes Paul's heart for the Jewish people. He also puts to rest the main tenet of Replacement Theology which claims that God has rejected the Jewish people, with a definitive NO!

April 30, 2020

Omer Count 2020 - Day 20 - Romans pt 3 - 9-11

Even Paul struggled with understanding what God was doing with the Jewish people who were stumbling over Messiah Yeshua and the Gentiles who were embracing Him. Romans 9-11 addresses these questions.

April 29, 2020

Omer Count 2020 - Day 19 - Kingdom Night #3 - Isaiah

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

April 28, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 18 - Romans pt 2

A discussion on Romans 8. Quick summary--from v. 7--if the mindset of the flesh is hostile to God and cannot submit to the Torah of God, then the mindset of the Spirit is at peace with God and does submit to the Torah of God.

April 27, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 17 - Romans pt 1

Does Paul in Romans say believers in Yeshua don't need or have been set free from the Torah of God? May it never be! Find out how and why!

April 26, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 16 - Galatians pt 3

Day 16 of the Counting of the Omer--Here we are finishing out our discussion in Galatians and the status of the Gentiles in the Messianic community.

April 25, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 15 - Galatians pt 2

Galatians 3 and the importance of the Abrahamic covenant.

For those who think that Paul is speaking against the Torah in Galatians you need to understand that he is basing his argument on Inclusion of the Gentiles in Salvation on the Torah. You can't throw out the Torah and still believe we are included in Messiah.

April 24, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 14 - Galatians part 1

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

April 22, 2020

Omer Count 2020 - Day 13 - Paul the Messianic Torah Observant Believer

Paul never stopped being a Jewish man just because he trusted in Yeshua as Messiah. Even 20+ years after the Resurrection, this is true.

April 22, 2020

Omer Count 2020 - Day 12 - The Kingdom in Isaiah pt 2

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

April 21, 2020

Omer Count 2020 - Day 11 - The Nature of the Covenants

What's this item aboThe Covenants: Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, New; build upon one another, they do not negate the previous. The Israelites were actually saved and Redeemed under the Abrahamic covenant and then given the Torah--the terms of the Mosaic Covenant. And how does the New fit in with that? See Jeremiah 31ut? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

April 20, 2020

Omer Count 2020 - Day 10 - Deuteronomy 11, 13 & Yeshua

What's this item aboMost with a traditional Christian background don't realize the problem our theology creates when it comes to the relationship between Yeshua & the Torah, especially for the life of the believer. By His own words, Yeshua says, "Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven."--Matthew 5:19a If He gives permission for believers to not live by the Torah of God, then we have made Yeshua the least in the Kingdom as well as a false prophet as established by Deuteronomy 11 & 13. May it never be!ut? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

April 19, 2020

Omer Count 2020 - Day 9 - Believers Relationship to the Torah

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

April 18, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Video - Day 8 - Sabbath in the New Testament

what does the New Testament say about the Sabbath and what is Yeshua's relationship to it?  What is the real Lord's Day?

April 17, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 7 - Sabbath in the Old Testament

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

April 16, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 6 - The Legacy of Replacement Theology

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

April 15, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 5 - Kingdom Study - Isaiah

What does the Old Testament say about the Millennial Kingdom?  Starting with Isaiah.

January 01, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 4 - Western v. Hebrew Mindset

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

April 13, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 3 - Testimonty of How we came to a Messianic Perspective

Our Testimony of how we came to Messianic Perspectives

April 12, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 2 - Feast of Firstfruits

It was a 10 year process of the LORD's patience in bringing us to a Messianic perspective.

April 11, 2020

Omer Count 2020 Day 1 - Explanation of Counting

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

June 09, 2019

Day 50 of the Omer

Today is day 50! Today is Shavuot! Halleluyah! It is a day for celebration!

June 08, 2019

Day 49 of the Omer

Shabbat Shalom!!!!! Today is the seventh and final Shabbat of the Omer Count, a cause for celebration! Tomorrow is Shavuot!!

June 07, 2019

Day 48 of the Omer

Now for the promise and the prayer from Deuteronomy 30 and Daniel 9.

June 06, 2019

Day 47 of the Omer

Today is going to be Adonai’s response to Solomon’s prayer from 2 Chronicles 7, beginning in verse 12.

June 05, 2019

Day 46 of the Omer

Today is going to start a series of passages that will begin with today’s quote from the prayer of Solomon, then go to ADONAI’s answer and finally His promise. I will be taking the prayer of Solomon from 2 Chronicles 6, beginning in verse 14.

June 04, 2019

Day 45 of the Omer

Today is the prayer in Colossians.

June 03, 2019

Day 44 of the Omer

Today I want to write out the prayer of Paul in 2 Thessalonians.

June 02, 2019

Day 43 of the Omer

Between the time of Yeshua’s ascension and Shavuot the disciples prepared for the coming of the comforter by praying together. So today I thought I would write out the prayer of Paul in Ephesians.

June 01, 2019

Day 42 of the Omer

Today as we meet for Shabbat, I would like to say a word to the rabbis and pastors.

May 31, 2019

Day 41 of the Omer

The disciples are back in Jerusalem for Shavuot and Yeshua has told them to expect the Ruach HaKodesh. Did they have a since that the Ruach would come on Shavuot? It would not surprise me.

May 30, 2019

Day 40 of the Omer

Today we celebrate the ascension.

May 29, 2019

Day 39 of the Omer

Today we are looking at the final Psalm of Ascents, Psalm 134. This is the Psalm that is sung on the final step. The people are now on the Temple Mount and the first word they sing is ‘Behold’. There could not be a more appropriate word to use upon reaching the place where Adonai dwells. ‘Behold’!

May 28, 2019

Day 38 of the Omer

Today we are on Psalm 133 the fourteenth Psalm of Ascents and fourteenth step. The people of Israel are almost to the top of the steps, almost to the Temple. On this fourteenth step their lips sing of unity.

May 27, 2019

Day 37 of the Omer

Yeshua will once again come to Zion, for Adonai has chosen it.

May 26, 2019

Day 36 of the Omer

Adonai’s promise to David is a true and trustworthy promise that will never be revoked.

May 25, 2019

Day 35 of the Omer

David cries out to Adonai to arise and come to His resting place that was found, Him and the Ark of His might.

May 24, 2019

Day 34 of the Omer

David promised Adonai that he would not rest, granted in a very poetic format in this psalm, until he found a dwelling place for His House, the Temple.

May 23, 2019

Day 33 of the Omer

Psalm 131 is a Psalm of David. This Psalm is David’s cry for his people. He is pleading for Israel to put their hope in Adonai.

May 22, 2019

Day 32 of the Omer

What a beautiful Psalm is Psalm 130. It speaks of the loving kindness and redemption of Adonai. As we cry from out of the depths, Adonai hears our cries and our voices. He wants to hear our supplications, so His ears are attentive.

May 21, 2019

Day 31 of the Omer

In Psalm 129 Israel is told to say, “How many times and how greatly they have been hostile to me, even from my youth.” However, even though Israel’s enemies are hostile to her they have not prevailed against her.

May 20, 2019

Day 30 of the Omer

Everyone who fears Adonai will be a happy.

May 19, 2019

Day 29 of the Omer

Psalm 127 is the only Psalm of Ascents that is attributed to Solomon.

May 18, 2019

Day 28 of the Omer

Shabbat Shalom! It is the fourth Shabbat of the Omer and we are over halfway to Shavuot.

May 17, 2019

Day 27 of the Omer

Psalm 125 is the sixth Psalm of the Psalms of Ascents. The people are now on the sixth step going up to Temple. They have been through the mikvah for purification to be able to be in Adonai’s presence and now they are very carefully ascending to come into the presence of their God and King.

May 16, 2019

Day 26 of the Omer

Psalm 124 is a Psalm of David. This Psalm is calling all Israel to recognize where their help comes from, Adonai. Adonai alone is our help.

May 15, 2019

Day 25 of the Omer

Psalm 123 is a plea to Adonai. It is to Adonai that we lift up our eyes.

May 14, 2019

Day 24 of the Omer

Today’s Psalm is 122, a Psalm of David. In this Psalm we see David’s love for Jerusalem and the House of Adonai that would be there after his death.

May 13, 2019

Day 23 of the Omer

Adonai is the Keeper of Israel. Adonai is even the shadow of your right hand.

May 12, 2019

Day 22 of the Omer

Our help is from Adonai.

May 11, 2019

Day 21 of the Omer

We will begin to look at the Psalms of Ascents today. They are Psalm 120-134. As the name suggests these Psalms were sung as they would ascend to the Temple Mount.

May 10, 2019

Day 20 of the Omer

Our themes definitely continue in the second half of Psalm 119. The second half, of course, begins with Lamed. Lamed begins with a statement very reminiscent of 1 Peter 3:24-25, which comes from Isaiah 40:6-8.

May 09, 2019

Day 19 of the Omer

In Psalm 119 we see many terms that can be said to be interchangeable, yet they are also very specific.

May 08, 2019

Day 18 of the Omer

Before we move to the Psalms of Ascents that are chapters 120-134, let’s look at the Psalm that is directly between the Hallel Psalms and the Psalms of Ascents, which, of course, is Psalm 119.

May 07, 2019

Day 17 of the Omer

Today we are going to conclude Psalm 118.

May 06, 2019

Day 16 of the Omer

How does Psalm 118 say we are to rejoice and be glad in this day that Adonai has made?

May 05, 2019

Day 15 of the Omer

“This is the gate of Adonai—“(TLV) is the next statement in Psalm 118.

May 04, 2019

Day 14 of the Omer

Shabbat Shalom! This is the second Shabbat in the counting of the Omer.

May 03, 2019

Day 13 of the Omer

Psalms 118, after emphasizing that Adonai is good and His lovingkindness endures forever, begins to review what He has done.

May 02, 2019

Day 12 of the Omer

Today we begin Psalm 118, which is definitely the climax of the Hallel Psalms.

May 01, 2019

Day 11 of the Omer

Today we are on Psalm 117. This is the shortest chapter in Scripture. Yet it is packed with meaning.

April 30, 2019

Day 10 of the Omer

Psalm 116 comes to an end on a very high note. After speaking of the salvation experience and the responsibility that comes with it this Psalm closes with utter assurance.

April 29, 2019

Day 9 of the Omer

Now we see Psalm 116 turn to our responsibility in our salvation.

April 28, 2019

Day 8 of the Omer

What a wonderful picture of salvation.

April 27, 2019

Day 7 of the Omer

If we worship idols that are dead, then we are dead.

April 26, 2019

Day 6 of the Omer

We are on Psalm 115 today.  The theme of this Psalm is the Glory of Adonai.

April 25, 2019

Day 5 of the Omer

We have spent the last two days on Psalm 113 and today we are going to look at Psalm 114. In my Bible the title over this Psalm is Passover Song. It very briefly recounts the exodus of God’s people from Egypt.

April 24, 2019

Day 4 of the Omer

And yet Adonai, whose glory is above the heavens, comes down to look upon the affairs of man.

April 22, 2019

Day 3 of the Omer

The first Hallel Psalm is 113 and it begins with Halleluyah!

April 22, 2019

Day 2 of the Omer

We are in the middle of Unleavened Bread and before we begin our study on the Hallel Psalms I want to look at what Scripture says about Hametz or Leaven.  The leaven represents sin in our lives.

April 22, 2019

Day 1 of the Omer

Yesterday was the first day of the Counting of the Omer and Firstfruits.  Let us remember that our Messiah Yeshua is the Firstfruits from among the dead as found in 1 Corinthians 15.

May 19, 2018

Day 49 of the Omer

Shabbat Shalom everyone! We are at our last or seventh Shabbat of the counting of the Omer and that only means one thing, tomorrow is day 50 or Shavuot! Halleluyah!

May 18, 2018

Day 48 of the Omer

Psalm 133 starts with "How good and sweet it is when brothers dwell together in unity!"

May 17, 2018

Day 47 of the Omer

In Ephesians 4 Paul is speaking of earnestly keeping, maintaining, and guarding the unity of the Spirit through the peace that binds us together.

May 16, 2018

Day 46 of the Omer

The one new man (Jew and Gentile one in Messiah) is a very important goal that we as the people of God need to keep ever before us.

May 15, 2018

Day 45 of the Omer

We are in our last week in the counting of the Omer and as we get closer to Shavuot I want to switch gears.  We speak of being one but saying it and living it can be two different things.

May 14, 2018

Day 44 of the Omer

Matthew 13 is the beginning of Yeshua speaking in parables in fulfillment of Psalm 78:2. When His disciples asked Him about it His answer was twofold.

May 13, 2018

Day 43 of the Omer

To all the mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day!

May 12, 2018

Day 42 of the Omer

Shabbat Shalom everyone! We are continuing to anticipate Shavuot and to hear from God. As we wait and pray for our hearts to hear and understand what the Spirit is saying to His people I want to continue our discussion from yesterday. We ended it with Yeshua saying, "Blessed is the one who does not fall away because of me."

May 11, 2018

Day 41 of the Omer

With the coming of the Messiah He was to have a forerunner. In Matthew 11 Yeshua says that the forerunner was John the immerser.

May 10, 2018

Day 40 of the Omer

Today is the day of Ascension!

May 09, 2018

Day 39 of the Omer

Yeshua obeyed and taught the Torah. The sermon on the Mount, the only sermon recorded for us, is His teaching of the Torah. It begins with the Beatitudes that sound like a Psalm.

May 08, 2018

Day 38 of the Omer

In Matthew 4 we see that Yeshua leaves Nazareth and goes to live in Capernaum. Matthew in verses 14-16 connects this move to the fulfillment of another prophecy by Isaiah in 9:1-2.

May 07, 2018

Day 37 of the Omer

Matthew 2:23, "Then he went to settle in a town called Nazareth to fulfill what was spoken by the prophets, that He will be called a Nazarene."

May 06, 2018

Day 36 of the Omer

Our next prophecy in Matthew again comes from chapter 2 where Matthew connects the killing of the babies in Bethlehem by Herod to Jeremiah 31:15.

May 05, 2018

Day 35 of the Omer

As we celebrate the fifth Shabbat in our counting of seven I would like once again to talk about the Shabbat. In Isaiah 56:1-2 says this

May 04, 2018

Day 34 of the Omer

Today's prophecy from Matthew is found in chapter 2 verse 15, "Out of Egypt I have called My Son."

May 03, 2018

Day 33 of the Omer

Matthew in 2:6 quotes from Micah 5:2 & 4, "And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the princes of Judah: because out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd My people Israel.”

May 02, 2018

Day 32 of the Omer

In Matthew 1 verses 18-25 we are faced with the fulfillment of another prophecy. Matthew hits it home hard and fast as to who Yeshua truly is.

May 01, 2018

Day 31 of the Omer

In Matthew 1 we see the genealogy of Yeshua on display.

April 30, 2018

Day 30 of the Omer

Mark 12:28-34 Discusses the first and second greatest commandment.

April 29, 2018

Day 29 of the Omer

In Matthew 12:7, in the context of speaking to the Pharisees about who He was, Yeshua refers to something that the prophet Hosea wrote.

April 28, 2018

Day 28 of the Omer

Today I want to discuss the Feast Days/Moedim in Leviticus 23.

April 27, 2018

Day 27 of the Omer

We have presented in the past a Messiah they could not recognize.

April 26, 2018

Day 26 of the Omer

Bind up the testimony and seal up the law/Torah among my disciples.

April 25, 2018

Day 25 of the Omer

Today we reach the halfway mark of the counting of the Omer and so I want to switch gears a little bit

April 24, 2018

Day 24 of the Omer

let us love one another

April 23, 2018

Day 23 of the Omer

The oneness of the body seems to be the final step to the bride of Messiah making herself ready (Revelation 10:7).

April 22, 2018

Day 22 of the Omer

1 Corinthians 1:10 says, "I appeal to you brothers in the name of our Adonai Yeshua the Messiah, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no schisms among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same opinion."

April 21, 2018

Day 21 of the Omer

As we are commanded to count the Sabbaths, as well as, the days to the Feast of Shavuot I wanted to talk about the Shabbat today.

April 20, 2018

Day 20 of the Omer

Zechariah 8:23 says, "Thus says the LORD of Hosts, In that day 10 men from all nations will take hold of the wing of one Jew saying, 'Let us go with you, for we have heard the LORD is with you.'"

April 19, 2018

Day 19 of the Omer

So where do we see the idea of God's people being made one in the prophets? We see it in Ezekiel 37 when God tells the prophet to take two sticks.

April 18, 2018

Day 18 of the Omer

In John 17 Yeshua prayed that His followers would be one as He and the Father are one.

April 17, 2018

Day 17 of the Omer

The phrase, "make the most of every opportunity", is from Ephesians 5:16. The word for 'opportunity' is 'kairos' in the Greek, which is the same word used for 'moed'/feast days in Genesis 1:14 in the Septuagint.

April 16, 2018

Day 16 of the Omer

Today is more of a prayer.

April 15, 2018

Day 15 of the Omer

What does true revival look like? If revival begins with the people of Elohim and the job of the Holy Spirit is to transform us into the image of the Son (Romans 8:29) as well as to help us obey the commands of God (Ezekiel 36:27) then what kind of life is He leading us, the redeemed, to live?

April 14, 2018

Day 14 of the Omer

Shabbat Shalom everyone!

Today I want to look at some passages from Isaiah. I know we have talked about revival being about God's people, so I want to look at some of the things God says to His people in preparing them for the last days and the great harvest.

April 13, 2018

Day 13 of the Omer

We are awaiting Shavuot/Pentecost and a great harvest. Why is the great harvest associated with Shavuot?

April 12, 2018

Day 12 of the Omer

Yeshua said in John 14:6, "If you love me, obey my commandments." This is very important for us to remember as we are looking forward to Shavuot.

April 11, 2018

Day 11 of the Omer

I want to cover what the middle words of the Torah/Law are and they are found in Leviticus 10:16. It is known as the heart of the Torah.

April 10, 2018

Day 10 of the Omer

Most of us know Ephesians 2:8-9

April 09, 2018

Day 9 of the Omer

Today I want to discuss Micah 6:8 which says, "He has shown you, man, what is good. What does YHWH/the LORD require of you? To do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your Elohim/God."

April 08, 2018

Day 8 of the Omer

As we go from Passover to Shavuot/Pentecost we are living out the picture of life between redemption and the receiving of our instructions on how to live a redeemed, set apart life.

April 07, 2018

Day 7 of the Omer

As we celebrate our first Shabbat in the counting of the Omer I want to draw our attention to what is righteousness.

April 06, 2018

Day 6 of the Omer

We talked about revival yesterday and turning from our wicked ways. Interestingly, enough the definition for sin is to miss the mark.

April 05, 2018

Day 5 of the Omer

We have all prayed for revival to come to God's people, but what really brings revival?

April 04, 2018

Day 4 of the Omer

I pray that Elohim is preparing us for Shavuot/Pentecost so that we are ready and willing to hear from Him.

April 03, 2018

Day 3 of the Omer

Today let us remember what sin is

April 02, 2018

Day 2 of the Omer

We are in the middle of Unleavened Bread and I want to focus today on what Scripture says about Hametz or Leaven.

April 01, 2018

Day 1 of the Omer

Happy Firstfruits!

June 03, 2017

Day 49 of the Omer

We are at our last or seventh Shabbat of the counting of the Omer and that only means one thing, tomorrow is day 50 or Shavuot! Halleluyah!

Let us worship Elohim today in Spirit and Truth as we prepare ourselves for that word of Adonai. We await with anticipation our Elohim. The King wishes to speak. Are we prepared to listen? I pray so! I pray that we have been preparing ourselves to hear from Him, the One who sits upon the throne.

Shabbat is about...

June 02, 2017

Day 48 of the Omer

Psalm 133 starts with "How good and sweet it is when brothers dwell together in unity!"

We have been studying about the importance of unity and here we see that idea written in the Psalms. It is spoken of as something that is good and sweet, something precious. And then it is compared to when the anointing oil was flowing down Aaron's beard. When did that happen?

June 01, 2017

Day 47 of the Omer

In Ephesians 4 Paul is speaking of earnestly keeping, maintaining, and guarding the unity of the Ruach/Spirit through the shalom/peace that binds us together.

It is important to note that this unity of the Ruach is maintained by the bond of shalom.

May 31, 2017

Day 46 of the Omer

The one new man (Jew and Gentile one in Messiah) is a very important goal that we as the people of Elohim need to keep ever before us. Yeshua prayed that His people would be one for a very specific purpose (John 17). So that the world would know and believe that the Father sent His Son and has loved them.

May 30, 2017

Day 45 of the Omer

We are in our last week in the counting of the Omer and as we get closer to Shavuot I want to switch gears. We have studied the importance of Torah in the life of a believer, we have studied some of the prophecies of Matthew to help us witness to our Jewish friends

May 29, 2017

Day 44 of the Omer

Matthew 13 is the beginning of Yeshua speaking in parables in fulfillment of Psalm 78:2 and when His disciples asked Him about it His answer was twofold. First, He quoted from Isaiah 6:9-10 as He spoke of the masses,

May 28, 2017

Day 43 of the Omer

In Matthew 12:7 Yeshua refers to something that the prophet Hosea wrote in the context of speaking to the Pharisees about who He was. It was, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice." In order to understand this statement and the way Yeshua is using it we must go back to the Hebrew in Hosea 6:6 and also look at the rest of the verse.

May 27, 2017

Day 42 of the Omer

Shabbat Shalom everyone! We are continuing to anticipate Shavuot and to hear from Elohim. As we wait and pray for the our hearts to hear and understand what the Spirit is saying to His people I want to continue our discussion from yesterday. We ended it with Yeshua saying, "Blessed is the one who does not fall away because of me."

May 26, 2017

Day 41 of the Omer

With the coming of the Messiah He was to have a forerunner. In Matthew 11 Yeshua says that the forerunner was John the immerser. Yet John had a question of Yeshua when he was in prison about whether He/Yeshua was the One they were all waiting for.

Yeshua's answer is quite interesting...

May 23, 2017

Day 40 of the Omer

Today is the day of Ascension! Yes, this is the day that Yeshua went up into the clouds to be with His Father. The day that the angels told the disciples that He would return in the same way that He went. Yes, He will return to the Mount of Olives and when He does the Mount will split in two (Zechariah 14).

May 22, 2017

Day 39 of the Omer

Yeshua obeyed and taught the Torah. The sermon on the Mount, the only sermon recorded for us, is His understanding of the Torah. It begins with the Beatitudes that sound like a Psalm.

He then goes on to speak of not abandoning the Torah but practicing it and the importance of teaching it.

May 22, 2017

Day 38 of the Omer

In Matthew 4 we see that Yeshua leaves Nazareth and goes to live in Capernaum. Matthew in verses 14-16 connects this move to the fulfillment of another prophecy by Isaiah in 9:1-2. Matthew records it like this, "The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, along the road by the sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles! The people who live in darkness have seen a great light, a light has dawned for those living in the land of the shadow of death."

May 22, 2017

Day 37 of the Omer

In talking to our Jewish friends about Yeshua one of the things that might come up is Matthew 2:23, "Then he went to settle in a town called Nazareth to fulfill what was spoken by the prophets, that He will be called a Nazarene." The reason that it comes up is because they struggle to find the prophecy that it speaks of fulfilling in the prophets.


This is an honest issue, however, it is brought on by our English versions that were, of course, translated from the Greek...

May 21, 2017

Day 36 of the Omer

Our next prophecy in Matthew again comes from chapter 2 where Matthew connects the killing of the babies in Bethlehem by Herod to Jeremiah 31:15. Jeremiah is taking up a lament for the lost children of Rachel. Why Rachel when Bethlehem is the home of David who was a descendant of Leah? It is because Rachel was buried near Bethlehem after she gave birth to Benjamin.

May 20, 2017

Day 35 of the Omer

As we are celebrating the fifth Shabbat in our counting of seven I would like once again to talk about the Shabbat. In Isaiah 56:1-2 says this, "Thus says ADONAI/The LORD: Preserve justice, do righteousness. For My salvation (Yeshua) is about to come, and My righteousness will be revealed. Happy is the man who does this, the son of man who takes hold of it, who keeps from profaning Shabbat, and keeps his hand from doing any evil."

This chapter goes on to discuss the eunuch and the foreigner who join to themselves to the LORD

May 19, 2017

Day 34 of the Omer

Today's prophecy from Matthew is found in chapter 2 verse 15, "Out of Egypt I have called My Son." When referring to this prophecy from Exodus 4:22 and Hosea 11:1 Matthew is connecting what happened to Israel as God's firstborn son to the Messiah.

Again, Matthew is connecting the life of Yeshua to the people of Israel.

May 18, 2017

Day 33 of the Omer

Yes, Yeshua was born in Bethlehem according to Matthew 2:1 & 5-6. However, it in verse 6 that the prophet Micah is quoted. Here is the part that Matthew quotes, it is from Micah 5:2 & 4, "And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the princes of Judah: because out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd My people Israel.”

May 17, 2017

Day 32 of the Omer

Again in Matthew 1 verses 18-25 we are faced yet again with the fulfillment of another prophecy. Matthew hits it home hard and fast as to who Yeshua truly is.

May 16, 2017

Day 31 of the Omer

In Matthew 1 we see the genealogy of Yeshua on display. In that account it takes Yeshua's genealogy through David and back to Abraham. This is vital when speaking to our Jewish friends who do not know Yeshua as of yet since many of them believe Yeshua was really a Gentile.

May 15, 2017

Day 30 of the Omer

Mark 12:28-34 Discusses the first and second greatest commandments.

May 14, 2017

Day 29 of the Omer

To all the mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day!

May 13, 2017

Day 28 of the Omer

Shabbat Shalom everyone! I hope you have a blessed day in the Shalom of our Elohim! Today we are on the fourth Shabbat of the counting of the Omer and we are reading about the Feast Days/Moedim in Leviticus 23.

May 12, 2017

Day 27 of the Omer

As we begin to witness to our older brother Judah we need to be honest with ourselves and them. We have presented in the past a Messiah they could not recognize.

May 11, 2017

Day 26 of the Omer

Isaiah 8:13-16 says, "ADONAI/The LORD Shaddai is the only one you are to regard as holy, He alone are you to fear, He alone are you to dread, and He will be a sanctuary; but for both houses of Israel He will be a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall...

May 10, 2017

Day 25 of the Omer

Today we reach the halfway mark of the counting of the Omer and so I want to switch gears a little bit and begin to discuss the importance of why even the Gentile believer is to obey the Law of God/Torah. It is not only our obligation of living in the power of the Spirit (Romans 8), not only how we express our love for our Messiah (John14), but it is also how we make Judah jealous (Romans 11).

May 09, 2017

Day 24 of the Omer

Today let us love one another and ask Adonai Elohim to show us the opportunities He has for us, so that we might faithfully serve Him with our whole hearts.

May 07, 2017

Day 23 of the Omer

The oneness of the body seems to be the final step to the bride of Messiah making herself ready (Revelation 10:7)...

May 07, 2017

Day 22 of the Omer

1 Corinthians 1:10 says, "I appeal to you brothers in the name of our Adonai Yeshua the Messiah, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no schisms among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same opinion.

May 06, 2017

Day 21 of the Omer

As we are commanded to count the Sabbaths, as well as, the days to the Feast of Shavuot I wanted to talk about the Shabbat today.

May 05, 2017

Day 20 of the Omer

Zechariah 8:23 says, "Thus says the LORD of Hosts, In that day 10 men from all nations will take hold of the wing of one Jew saying, 'Let us go with you, for we have heard the LORD is with you.'"

May 04, 2017

Day 19 of the Omer

So where do we see the idea of God's people being made one in the prophets? We see it in Ezekiel 37 when Elohim tells the prophet to take two sticks. One is named for the tribe of Joseph or Ephraim and all the tribes associated with him and the other is named for Judah and all the tribes associated with him.

May 03, 2017

Day 18 of the Omer

In John 17 Yeshua prayed that His followers would be one as He and the Father are one. I used to think I knew what that meant, that there would no longer be any denominations among the church. However, God has shown me that His ways are higher than our ways. He has a much bigger plan in mind.

May 02, 2017

Day 17 of the Omer

I have had a certain phrase from Scripture in my mind lately, "make the most of every opportunity". Let's look at that phrase and what surrounds it. It comes from Ephesians 5:16.

The word for 'opportunity' is 'kairos' in the Greek, which is the same word used for 'moed'/feast days in the Septuagint. Let that sink in for a minute. Let's replace 'opportunity' with 'moed'/feast days in the phrase, "making the most of every moed/feast day.

May 01, 2017

Day 16 of the Omer

Today is more of a prayer. I pray and let us pray together that we will not be a rebellious people. May we not say we want Elohim to work in our lives and then only allow Him to do what we think He should and no more.

April 30, 2017

Day 15 of the Omer

What does true revival look like? If revival begins with the people of Elohim as we have said and the job of the Holy Spirit is to transform us into the image of the Son (Romans 8:29) as well as to help us obey the commands of God (Ezekiel 36:27) then what kind of life is He leading us, the redeemed, to live?

April 29, 2017

Day 14 of the Omer

Today I want to look at some passages from Isaiah. I know we have talked about revival actually being with God's people and so today I want us to look at some of the things God says to His people in preparing them for the last days and the great harvest.

April 28, 2017

Day 13 of the Omer

We are awaiting Shavuot/Pentecost and a great harvest. Why is the great harvest associated with Shavuot? Because that is what it is, a time of great harvest. The Jews were to count the omer/sheaves of grain until the big harvest of Shavuot.

April 27, 2017

Day 12 of the Omer

Yeshua said in John 14:6, "If you love me, obey my commandments." This is very important for us to remember as we are looking forward to Shavuot. We need to keep in mind that loving God has always been tied to obeying Him. This was not a new concept that Yeshua gave.

April 26, 2017

Day 11 of the Omer

I want to cover what the middle words of the Torah/Law are and it was found in this last weeks Torah portion in Leviticus 10:16. It is known as the heart of the Torah. Interestingly enough the words that meet in the middle or heart of the Torah are the same word repeated. It is the same word we looked at a couple of days ago from Micah 6:8 where it talks about what does God/Elohim "require" of us.

April 25, 2017

Day 10 of the Omer

Most of us know Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith and not of yourselves it is the gift of God/Elohim not of works so that no one can boast." Then immediately following that is verse 10 that states, For we are God's/Elohim's handiwork/masterpiece created in Messiah Yeshua/Christ Jesus to do good works, which God/Elohim has prepared in advance for us to do."

April 24, 2017

Day 9 of the Omer

Today I want to discuss a passage that is on my heart this morning out of Micah 6:8, "He has shown you, man, what is good. What does YHWH/the LORD require of you? To do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your Elohim/God."

April 23, 2017

Day 8 of the Omer

As we go from Passover to Shavuot/Pentecost we are living out the picture of life between redemption and the receiving of our instructions on how to live a redeemed, set apart life. The children of Israel lived it when they were redeemed from Egypt and were making their way to Mt. Sinai to receive the Torah.

April 22, 2017

Day 7 of the Omer

As we celebrate our first Shabbat in the counting I want to draw our attention to what is righteousness.

April 21, 2017

Day 6 of the Omer

We talked about revival yesterday and turning from our wicked ways. Interestingly enough the definition for sin is to miss the mark.

April 20, 2017

Day 5 of the Omer

We have all prayed for revival to come to God's people, but what really brings revival? We desire to see a true move of God. We want to see people get saved and yet we are all aware that true revival must happen with His people first.

April 19, 2017

Day 4 of the Omer

I pray that Elohim is preparing us for Shavuot so that we are ready and willing to hear from Him. We must turn our ears toward Him and Shema.

April 18, 2017

Day 3 of the Omer

As we leave Unleavened Bread let us remember what sin is: the breaking of the Law according to 1 John 3:4.

April 17, 2017

Day 2 of the Omer

It is also the Seventh Day of Unleavened Bread. Scripture says the Hametz or Leaven represents sin in our lives and that at the beginning of Unleavened Bread we are to remove all leaven from our homes.

April 16, 2017

Day 1 of the Omer

Happy Firstfruits! Today is day 1 of counting the Omer. Let us remember that our Messiah Yeshua is the Firstfruits from among the dead 1 Corinthians 15.

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